2:29:00 PM in ,

A Guide To LSAC

LSAC, LSAT, CRS, CAS, what does all of this mean?!?

So now that I've briefly explained the LSAT (like I said, look for upcoming posts that go more in-depth on the wonders and horrors of the LSAT), I realized that I haven't explained the driving force behind the test - LSAC. 

Another long acronym, which stands for the Law School Admission Council, is basically your one-stop shop for law school applications. If you decide to apply to law school, you will need to become very familiar with LSAC. So if you have a few minutes, hop over to the LSAC website and register for an account - you'll need it if you plan on taking the LSAT, if you apply to law school, and it's a great tool for learning about law schools. 

To go through the basics of LSAC, I'm going to take you on a small tour of what LSAC is and has to offer, and make it as simple as possible.

LSAC: Like I said above, LSAC is the Law School Admission Council and is the host organization for all things related to law school applications. It's where you register for the LSAT, apply for law schools, gather your letters of recommendation, etc. During the law school application process, this will be one of the most visited websites. And for anyone taking the LSAT, it has quite a bit of information about the test so check it out!

LSAT: Law School Admission Test - I wrote all about it yesterday in its own post - so check it out!

CRS: This is the Candidate Referral Service and is a great way to find out about law schools if you want to learn more about schools that are available. When you register for the CRS, you are signing up to let law schools recruit you. Now, if you can think back to the crazy amount of college brochures and emails you got when you were applying for undergrad schools in high school - prepare for that again! I constantly got law school brochures, so many emails each day, but it was a great way to find out about schools and opportunities. And, if you already have taken the LSAT, schools may be able to see what range you scored in and will let you know about possible scholarship opportunities. So this is a big deal. 

CAS: The Credential Assembly Service, better known as CAS, is the most convenient part of applying to law school. Basically, what CAS does is simplifies the application process by being your home base for sending in transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc. You send everything to CAS one time, and they distribute it to schools for you. Unfortunately, it is a little expensive ($175), but it is worth it. I promise.

Overall, those are the basic parts of LSAC you need to know about. Their website is super helpful and answers a lot of questions, so make sure to check it out. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

See you tomorrow,
- Bailey.

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